Do you have an idea which can help make Monitor ERP even better?
At Monitor ERP we are always striving to develop our functionality in close collaboration with our customers. We listen to your needs and wishes, and through Monitor Idea Forum you are able to submit new development ideas or vote on suggestions from other users. Take a chance and send in your development idea today!
This is how Monitor Idea Forum works
You suggest something new that you would like us to develop via Monitor Idea Forum. You can also vote on others’ ideas or develop someone else’s idea by adding more information.

Monitor Idea Forum is a great way to have your voice heard and give input about how the ERP system can be developed. It is so good to see my idea has been developed into a function.
Questions and answers
How do I log in?
Log in here:
Use the same login details you use for the Monitor Support Portal. If you do not have a login, send an e-mail to
What happens with my ideas?
1. Our area managers for the development of each module in Monitor ERP regularly review newly submitted ideas and comments, and respond, categorize, and update the status as required.
2. The best ideas are then discussed in Monitor’s Product Council. On the council there are representatives from Sales, Consultants, Support, the Development Department, as well as our CEO.
3. If you have been involved in an idea – or have submitted a request yourself – you will get feedback when the status is updated. This could be ”Under consideration”, “More information needed”, “Planned – part of our development plan”, and so on.
Which ideas have been implemented?
Hundreds of ideas that have come in via our idea forum have been developed into functions in Monitor ERP. A few examples are:
- Deactivate delivery terms
- The option to print out neutral freight documents from Monitor ERP
- Management of purchase returns
- Desktop components: Order flow in figures (diagram)
- Link to documents in the cloud (file management)
- Improved export of pre- and post-calculations
- The option to select sorting in pick list