Senior Finance Consultant
Company and Job Description
Monitor ERP System AB from Sweden develops, markets and sells the ERP system. With over 40 years of experience focused in the manufacturing industry, we are a market leader and preferred provider among customers with over 45% market share in Sweden. Today our system is used by customers in 30 countries and supports 16 different languages. Our system has been consistently ranked #1 by customers in various surveys done by independent third parties over the years.
Operations also include consulting/training and support within Monitor ERP System. A professional support and training for our customers is an important part of our customer-oriented approach. Monitor acquired its first customer in China in 2005 and today most customers are mainly in the East, South and North of China in this order. Our office is located in the heart of Shanghai with easy access to surrounding industrial areas.
We were recently established in the Chinese market and are expanding by looking for new colleagues to strengthen our presence. The team in Shanghai is small and everyone is involved in everything. To be part of the team, you need to be an outgoing, positive person who thrives in a dynamic environment, enjoys working with people, feels excitement in learning new things, and is a team player in the process of building up our new organization and business.
There are many ERP products on the market but MONITOR has found a niche where we see a big potential for growth. Your job is to contribute to laying the groundwork needed for aggressive growth in the Chinese market.
Work will be intense and experience compressed. Although you will be assigned to a key responsible area, you will also be highly involved in cross-department activities on a daily basis. By being a member of the core team, you will enjoy great opportunities for personal growth as well as career development.
Key Responsibilities
- Investigate, analyze, diagnose, and propose solutions to enterprise customers 对企业客户进⾏调研、 分析、诊断并提出解决⽅案;
- Ability to deliver training classes and complex workflow charts (VISIO) and user instructions 能够提供培训课程,复杂的⼯作流程图(VISIO)和⽤户使⽤指导书;
- Ability to multi-task and handle complex matters with no supervision and with excellent follow-up skills 能独⽴完成多项任务和处理复杂事务,并具有出⾊的跟进技能;
- Be responsible for the implementation guidance of ERP project 负责ERP 项⽬的上线实施辅导;
- Ability to manage projects and project risk to ensure customer business needs are met and go-live objectives are achieved 拥有管理项⽬和项⽬⻛险的能⼒,以确保满⾜客户业务需求并实现上线⽬标;
- Ability to identify scope changes and impacts to existing project budget and deadlines 能够识别范围变 更以及对现有项⽬预算和截⽌⽇期的影响;
- Ability to conduct effective conversations with executive level and staff level resources 能够与客户执 ⾏层和员⼯进⾏有效沟通;
- Working with internal projects such as organizational and product improvements, support sales and marketing activity 参与产品和组织架构的不断改进, ⽀持销售和市场部活动。
- Bachelor degree or above in financial accounting, familiar with business processes of financial department 财务会计本科及以上相关专业,熟悉企业财务部⻔各业务流程;
- Understanding manufacturing industry is a must, solid knowledge and experience in any of the following modules: Financial, Logistic, Manufacturing, Warehouse Management, CRM, OA, experience with multiple modules is PLUS 对制造业了解,具备以下任何模块的扎实知识和经验:财务、物流、制 造、仓库管理、CRM、OA,有多个模块经验者优先;
- Good at English and presentation skills 良好的英语和表达能⼒;
- Quick learner with a flexible mind, dynamic, open and positive personality 学习能⼒强,思维灵活,充 满活⼒,性格开朗积极;
- Work hard, have patience and an eye for details 努⼒⼯作,有耐⼼,关注细节;
- Able to work under great pressure 能承受⼯作压⼒;
- Team player 良好的团队合作精神
Submit your resume
Please send your resume in both Chinese and English to email hr.china@monitorerp.com. Kindly include Your Name + "Senior Finance Consultant" in the email subject.
We will reply to you as soon as possible after receiving your resume.
Thank you for your interest :)