What is Tools & Maintenance?
This is an option in Monitor ERP which helps you keep track of all your tools. This means you’ll always have the right tool in the right place at the right time. And you’ll be able to maintain them in good time before they risk affecting the quality of your products.
You can also work pro-actively with machine maintenance, and stay once step ahead. You plan maintenance in Monitor ERP, and those performing service on equipment are assigned a maintenance order with details of what requires service, and when.
What do we mean by tools?
Whether you’re using measuring tools, welding fixtures, tools for injection molding or something else entirely, this option will be a big help.
You can also keep track of your consumable tools with Tools & Maintenance, so you’ll know when it’s time to order more.

How can Tools & Maintenance help your work?
Production planning takes place in line with the tools available. The option helps you keep track of:
- Where your tools are (location)
- If the tools are available
- Which tools are used for which parts
- What it’s time for maintenance or calibration
- The result of calibration
- The history of all maintenance