Monitor ERP’s the Agent makes National’s administrative procedures more effective

For National, a company specialized in the manufacturing of high-quality rubber, plastic and fiber products, Monitor ERP’s option, the Agent, is the obvious choice. Administrative procedures have been automated, which has led to an increase in productivity.
“As The Agent takes care of the daily and weekly reports and ensures that the right person receives the right report, we spend less time checking up on things, and can instead focus on what needs doing which makes the situation much better. Employees receive the right information, and it works as a reminder of what needs looking at. It has really helped us increase our productivity,” says Zakarias Gagner, Technical Manager at National.

National has automated several administrative procedures with the help of the Agent. Every morning, the purchasers receive an e-mail containing four lists showing: late purchase orders, unsent orders, unconfirmed orders, and purchased parts with negative balances where they are administrators. This enables the purchasers to focus on what they need to as soon as they come to work.

As The Agent takes care of the daily and weekly reports and ensures that the right person receives the right report, we spend less time checking up on things, and can instead focus on what needs doing which makes the situation much better.
Zakarias Gagner, Technical Manager på National

“Production management also receives a daily operation follow-up for yesterday’s reporting so they're able to rectify any recordings that have taken place in error or correct inaccuracies in BOM and routing. In addition to that, subcontractors receive weekly reports about what has been arrival reported, which makes it easier when it comes to invoice matching and reduces the need for manual checks,” says Zakarias.

Before the Agent, National did much of their work such as checking orders and accounts, and authorizing subcontract purchase invoices manually. 
“It’s actually hard to remember how we used to work as we use the Agent so much that we take it for granted now.”

When asked whether they would recommend the Agent to other companies, the answer was a resounding yes. 

“The Agent feels like the obvious choice. We can focus our time on doing what we need to do instead of trying to find information. The Agent does this automatically and presents all the information in an e-mail,” says Zakarias.