Machine integration

Take your factory to the next level with automated reporting from integrated machines.

Why you need Machine integration


Expensive machines and production lines deserve to be utilized fully, and in the right way. But to do this, you need to know what can be improved. Machine integration (MI) can do it all, from capturing data from your machines to identifying actual rates of utilization. Monitor ERP:s Machine integration provides a clear visual overview of your machines.

Examples of data from your machines that MI can capture:

  • Start and stop
  • Stop causes
  • Number of details produced
  • Rejections
  • Warnings

Four reasons to use Machine integration

Web Big Time

Fully utilize machines

MI lets you know exactly when, and for how long, machines have been at a standstill.
Web Big Automation

Automatic reporting

Your machines report the quantity produced on the manufacturing order in Monitor.
Web Big Meter

OEE follow up

How is production in relation to planning? See the current status live in the MI interface.
Web Big Optimal

Optimal post calculations

Did things go as planned? MI tells you exactly how much was produced, and how long it took.

Watch video on Machine integration

Find out how Machine integration works

Watch our video to find out how Machine integration captures data from your machines and reports the actual utilization rate.

Watch video!

MI is vital for us in order to do things the right way.
Joel Gustavsson, Swedev AB

MI Limited

Machine Integration includes a function called MI Limited. This allows you to connect a machine without including order management and time recording in Monitor. MI Limited is a flexible solution within Machine Integration that gives you control of how you want to use the system to optimize your production.

Frequently asked questions about Machine integration

How does MI work?

Your machines communicate with MI via an OPC or PLC device which interprets the signals from the machine and reports them to the ERP system.

You’ll also need an MI server and a machine terminal for each machine. You can then connect as many dashboards as you like.

Which machines is MI compatible with?

In simple terms, you can say MI works with all machines that can communicate via OPC or PLC. Some types of machines can connect better than others. Contact us so we can look at your facility together and identify the best solution.

Can we get help getting started with MI?

Of course. Our consultants know MI back to front. Contact us to schedule an initial meeting.