Standard ERP System

Experience the power of standardization

What is meant by a standard system?

Does 'standard' mean worse? No - 'standard' is optimal!

Standard can often be associated with mediocrity, but nothing could be further from the truth, as standard means one that conforms to certain norms and meets basic requirements and criteria.
This is exactly what Monitor ERP is – optimized to the needs of manufacturing companies, ready for quick and trouble-free implementation and effective operation.

Benefits of standard ERP system

A standard ERP system has many advantages, and the key ones relate to implementation time, investment costs and optimization of daily operations.

Web Big Time

Quick start

A standard ERP system allows for faster implementation and a smooth transition due to the lack of additional adaptations and adjustments.
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Lower implementation costs

Avoiding time-consuming adaptations and adjustments translates also into lower implementation costs and saves on the overall expenses associated with an ERP system investment.
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Matching production

The standardization of Monitor ERP also manifests itself in tailoring and optimizing the system for production, and this increases its operational efficiency.

Monitor ERP System

Experience the power of standardization for manufacturing!

Monitor ERP is a standardized system, which means it is already optimized for manufacturing companies. This fact brings many benefits, such as:

✓ Complete, ready-to-go ERP system 
✓ Quick to get up and running
✓ No adjustments are necessary
✓ Configure the system with system settings, incorporated document editor, BI-editor, and customized reports
✓ Speedy support 
✓ Optional extras for extended functionality
✓ API for integration with other systems

Every company is unique, but there are many common challenges, ways of working and business areas specific to the manufacturing industry. An ERP system should therefore meet the requirements and criteria of this sector. That's what Monitor ERP does – it is created specifically for manufacturing.

Quick to get up and running

A standard ERP system allows for less time-consuming implementation and quicker proceeding due to the lack of additional adaptations and adjustments.

Web Big Time

Lower implementation costs

Avoiding time-consuming adaptations and adjustments also saves costs resulting from the investment in the ERP system.

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No customizations needed

Costly adaptations are not necessary for the system to function. This results in lower costs.

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Speedy support

The standardization of the system allows for instant help from the support department and effective advice from consultants.

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Regular updates

With Monitor ERP you always work with the latest version of the system and updates take place regularly improving security and functionality.

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The power of customer voice

By becoming a Monitor customer, of which there are already more than 5,500, you have the opportunity to share your opinion and ideas, which often turn into new features.

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Complete, ready-to-go ERP system

Tailored for you

Monitor ERP as a standard system is instantly ready to work and optimized for manufacturing enterprises, and this translates into its enormous operational power. There is no need for additional time-consuming adaptations and adjustments, which affects the speed of implementation and investment costs.

Tailored to you

Unlimited customization and personalization.

You can customize Monitor ERP to suit your needs, including system settings, document configurator, BI-editor and customized reports. Numerous additional options allow for enhanced capabilities, extensive automation and process optimization. The API, in turn, enables easy integrations.

You are always up to date

Regular updates and improvements.

With Monitor ERP you are always working with the latest version, and updates are delivered regularly to enhance security and functionality. You can perform them yourself using an automated method, giving you the freedom to do it at your convenience.

Support and cooperation

Support, consultants, and customer feedback effectiveness

By becoming a Monitor customer, of which there are already more than 5,500, you have the opportunity to share your opinion and ideas for development, and new features that are user initiatives are regularly added to the system. You also receive appropriate assistance from our support department and effective advice from our consultants.

Our support

Appreciated by customers

Benefits of standardization noted by users

Our customers recognize and appreciate both the capabilities and benefits of the standard system, sharing their feedback:

"The fact that Monitor ERP is a standard system gives it a big advantage. There’s no need for costly adaptations in order for the system to work, which is clearly evident from our low consultancy costs, for example." - Josef Alenius, CEO at Indexator.

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